Monday 9 June 2008

Well ahead of schedule

Back to work nursing the mother of all sunburn on my balding head. Hate having to relay to about a dozen people that I didnt put sun cream on and yes it does hurt.

Scouring the markets there arent loads of opportunities around at the moment but something compelled me to ring Betfair during my lunch hour and risk my entire bank laying Romania to bt France 1-0 @ 12. I fancied France to score but Romania never looked like scoring so the bet was always secure, however a late strike would have really hurt.

I steered clear of the 'any other score' price as it drifted to 33 from 23 and when Holland went 2-0 up I was surprised people were prepared to back the Italians to still win the match at 23 and I lumped on, laying my entire bank. With 19 minutes to go as I write it's still 2-0 Holland so I am confident in saying that I will exit day 9 with 20 successful bets - a 100% strike rate - and a balance in excess of £330. To date my balance has grown >6% per bet whereas the plan was for 3% per bet. According to my schedule I should have been at this stage after 42 bets so if I revert to growing the bank by 3% per bet then I will complete this challenge in 202 days from now. Here's hoping!

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