Thursday, 5 June 2008


Balance £172.05

The spector of the mother-in-law coming round for tea hung over me like a cloud all day as I knew she'd quash any chance I had of a few trades this evening. However, I did pile the bank on England to score 200+ runs @ 1.08 earlier which was looking a bit shakey after lunch, thankfully Pieterson dug in and kept me on track.

Now 11/11 - still well ahead of schedule.

I am so tempted to find a few 3-1 shots to lay but I am steeling myself from doing so and will continue to back strong fancies and lay rags. This is not just a challenge for me to grow my bank but the manner in which I do it is equally important. As blogged previously, I am a crap bettor and I really must exercise patience and discipline and not be tempted to cut corners. So far, so good.

Would be good to hear from others undertaking similar challenges.

1 comment:

lee said...

hi mate, good luck with this (i am doing this too) and good to read too. have a good day, lee (isthereanyhopeforme)