Sunday 8 June 2008


Balance £241.77

Went to Brid' today to visit my girlfriend's cousin who has just had a baby. We're expecting our first child and today I learnt that prams cost £650. Yes, £650!

Anyway, before we went I laid Graeme McDowell to win the Austrian Open for the entire bank @ 14 and on my return I laid Poland to beat Germany @ 8.2. I spent all day considering this bet and looked at a Poland 1-0 lay or a Poland HT/FT lay but in a fit of 'fuck it' I just laid my entire bank on Poland and it never really looked in danger.

So, another good day, I have now landed 18 successful bets and my starting bank of £100 is now £293.69.

I am a bit nervy now. Not necessarily that I may lose my £100 starting bank but the fact that people have started reading this blog and following my progress on the Betfair forum and I feel if I blow out now I will have burst not just my own bubble but those that are striving to land this challenge themselves.

Dont seem that many opportunities in the next day or two and it is at quiet times when the temptation is to go looking for a bet so the beginning of this week will be a big test for me. That said, surely a lay of any other correct score (ie, either side to score 4 goals) in the Holland v Italy @ 22 ish is nailed on. We'll see...

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